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Neues Release der Radioserversoftware Savonet!

Weitere Informationen hier.

Was ist Savonet?

Eine extrem flexible Software, um Radiostreams zu bauen. Sie ermöglicht z.B. automatisierte Playlisten, Integration von Livestreams, unser Scheduling läuft über das Request-Feature etc.

0.3.3 (06-06-2007) Major cleanup of the core stream representation; moved to float arrays, removing several back-and-forth conversions and enhancing the perfs a lot; reviewed all sources and operators, made many minor enhancements btw. Lots of sound processing operators: compand, compress, normalize, pitch, bpm, soundtouch, saw, square, etc. Add more shapes to fade.*(). New track processing operators: insert_metadata, on_track. Smart cross: allows to select a transition based on the volumes around the end-of-track. Support for AAC encoding/decoding. Several fixes to output.icecast.mp3 in order to support shoutcast servers. Automatic format recognition for input.http(), support for playlists. OSS I/O. Unbuffered ALSA I/O for low latency. Server interface via UNIX domain sockets. Better output.file.vorbis with support for re-opening the file, appending, interpolate strftime format codes, etc. Add pre-processing and math primitives to the language, new _[_] notation for assoc(), ruby-style anti-quotation (”..#{..}..”), add_timeout(), execute(), log()… Ability to tweak the internal PCM stream format. Classify sources and operators in categories for more structured doc. Started a few visualization operators, text and graphics based. Several bug fixes: request leaks, sine frequency, switch, etc.


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